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Another victim has come to light in the fraud perpetrated by Larissa Kimberlly‘s family in Marbella, Spain. This time it’s an 80 years old widow. They have no conscience.

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As you can read elsewhere on this site, Larissa Kimberlly‘s family has caused many problems in Marbella. They have deceived and defrauded a large number of people in the area—people who wanted to help them through the difficult times they were facing. Despite the fact that the family’s problems were their own doing, people were still willing to assist them.

Larissa Kimberlly 80 year old widow is new victim of scam. Larissa Kimberllys criminal family.
Larissa Kimberlly 80 year old widow is new victim of scam

When the time came to repay the debt, Larissa Kimberlly’s stepfather, David Topping, and her mother, Miria Boisard, fled to Brazil, leaving many of their helpers with significant losses.

One of these victims is an elderly widow, 80 years old, who has lost far more than her finances can bear. As a result, she has been forced to sell the house she lived in for over 30 years, a home she built with her husband.

“He died five years ago and fortunately does not have to witness this,” she says. The widow has chosen to remain anonymous, but we know her identity and can confirm what happened.

Larissa Kimberlly

Larissa Kimberlly is fully aware of these deceptions that her family has carried out in Marbella.

Try asking her after you’ve seen her videos or read her typically naive posts on various social platforms. She will deny everything, but she knows it all. While Larissa Kimberlly and her criminal family live a life of luxury, others in Marbella suffer in despair.

What a scoundrel.

Larissa Kimberlly on Reddit

#LarissaKimberlly #LarissaKimberllyScoundrel
